We help our customers manage their chronic and acute pain through our massage therapy sessions. We put effort into every treatment to alleviate the patient's ailment.
Thai Massage is a richly rewarding, holistic therapy for everyone, including clients who are active in sports. The benefits of Thai massage to the body include lowering stress, increasing blood flow and oxygenation, and relieving tension which is associated with depression, headaches, and other degenerative diseases. It also helps boost energy levels by opening up the sensory channels and regaining the flow of energy thru its gradual, gentle, whole-body stretching techniques, which in turn helps alleviate stiffness and associated pain. Our Thai massage sessions improve athletic performance for clients who are involved in many different forms of recreation, including dance, cheerleading, and other competitive sports, from soccer and football to mixed martial arts and weight training. Thai Massage also improves the range of motion, gently stretching the whole body, which may give a deeper stretch to aid in healing and restoring the body to a homeostatic state. It shortens regeneration time and improves physical shape with all the other wonderful benefits. Thai Massage gives you strength, flexibility, relaxation(mental health), and tissue-stimulating benefits (deep connective tissue) all in one treatment. There have been many studies done to show how Thai Massage improved multiple measures of physical fitness. The results are measurable.
In a traditional holistic herbal recipe, the most important ingredient is plai, also known as Zingiber cassumunar, a root from the ginger family, known for relieving muscular aches, pain or strains and also an anti-inflammatory and nourishing the skin, a traditional and fundamental herb used for over 1000 years in monasteries and temples and is still practiced to this day. Other herbs in the blend are the peel of kaffir lime for its aromatic(helping with dizziness) and skin rejuvenating properties. Lemongrass, camphor, turmeric(anti-inflammatory properties), and other healing herbs with properties to relieve sinuses and aid in fibromyalgia and other nervous system disorders. The steamed heat compresses are massaged into the client, releasing the herbal oils to be absorbed into the skin and thru the sinuses. Compress therapy is one of the most amazing relaxing therapies that improve circulation, as moist heat radiates thru the muscles, increases lymph node circulation, and provides a feeling of well-being. The 90-minute version is probably the best massage you will ever have.
Thai Massage w/ Herbal Compress Ball Therapy:
60 Minutes: $125
90 Minutes $155
Thai Massage:
60 Minutes: $105
90 Minutes: $125
Oil Massage:
60 Minutes: $85
90 Minutes: $125
30 Minutes: $40
60 Minutes: $75
Sports Therapy:
60 Minutes: $105
90 Minutes: $125
Thai Bodywork:
60 Minutes: $105
90 Minutes: $125
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